
Sam Palazzolo's Coaching Application Form


I only work with a handful of private 1:1 clients each year so I can deliver immense value to their lives and businesses. I also only work with existing business owners who are seeing success already. And finally, I only work with leaders looking to lead and take action.

If you would like to be considered for private coaching with me please fill out the brief application below. If after reviewing it I feel we might be a good fit to work together, I will reach out to schedule a call with next steps!

Click the button below to start the application.


Question 1 of 16

Which range most accurately describes your most recent annual revenue from your business?


$100,000 - $249,000 per year


$250,000 - $499,000 per year


$500,000 - $749,000 per year


$750,000 - $999,000 per year


$1M or more per year

Question 2 of 16

Briefly describe who you serve and what problem you help them solve.

Question 3 of 16

How many years have you been in this business?

Question 4 of 16

On average how many hours a week do you work?

Question 5 of 16

What is your biggest challenge in your business right now? The one thing that if solved would solve the majority of your other problems.

Question 6 of 16

The Moonshot: What would you like to accomplish in the next 12 months that looks impossible, but if it were achieved, would change EVERYTHING?

Question 7 of 16

What are your three biggest accomplishments to date? And why are you proud of them?

Question 8 of 16

Tell me about your career success over the past 10 years (Please include the impact you've had, the income you've created, and any relevant success stories that come to mind).

Question 9 of 16

What has been your single greatest frustration when it comes to your personal and/or professional growth?

Question 10 of 16

What do you hope coaching with me will change for you personally/professionally in the next 6-12 months?

Question 11 of 16

Briefly explain why you want to work with me, Sam Palazzolo, as opposed to another coach?

Question 12 of 16

Private coaching with me starts at $50,000 and goes up significantly from there. Are you able to invest in something like this financially?


Yes | I am willing and able to invest in myself to take my life and business to the next level.


No | I am not ready to invest at that level.

Question 13 of 16

Name (First Last)

Question 14 of 16

What is your website URL?

Question 15 of 16


Question 16 of 16

Mobile Phone Number (Including Country Code)

Confirm and Submit